Bah Humbug!
So here it is, Merry Christmas everybody's having fun. Except they're not. They're running around like headless chickens (or turkeys) buying crap they neither want or need, getting into debt that they'll be paying off for forever and a day. Oh yea, great laugh. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. Eating and drinking and getting nice pressies are on my list of favourite things. But it's not a "Let's get the tree up in November" kind of love. When my family were younger we used to start gathering Santa things from September onwards. And I've queued up for their latest must haves on many an occasion. But seriously people, is it necessary to be hysterically obsessed by one feast day of the year? When I was younger Christmas was a big deal in our house. Any time we were 'bold' we were told 'Santa is watching'. Something that freaked me out completely. I mean, He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows if you're awake. N...