Child-like not child-ish
Being a parent is the hardest job in the universe, and don't let anyone tell you any different. From the day your children are born the enormity of the job hits you. And it's for life. From the practical issues like feeding, changing etc to providing for them to the disappearance of a proper sleep pattern and everything in between, it's 24/7 for the rest of your life. It can also be some of the most rewarding fun times one can have with their clothes on! I always wanted an enormous family. Due to ill health and other complications that didn't happen. Three was the most we could manage, and even then two were against medical advice. So I put my energy into looking after and educating other people's children. I worked, went to college and reared my family in the best way I knew how. I had lots of help of course, my other half being there to take up the flak and my parents helped too.
Everyone has their own kind of parenting style. I used to wish my children came with an instruction manual, so when something went wrong I could just look up the answer, and solve the problem in an instant. Sadly they don't! I'm not a perfect parent, I don't think that species exists, but as in all things I do my very best. Always with the best of intentions. Yes, my children climbed trees, ran barefoot in the grass, engaged in messy play, played out on the street and had FUN. Yes, ladies and gentlemen FUN. Something I feel children are lacking in today. And you know what? I had fun with them. I climbed trees with them. I pushed them on swings in the park, and they pushed me. I played football and rugby with them. I played street skipping with them. To this day, I cannot pass a park without having a go on everything. People have said I'm childish and i should grow up. My answer to them is NEVER! I am in touch with my inner child and I love it!It is my belief that being "childish" can be annoying, but being "child-like" is the best feeling in the world. In these times of recession there is enough misery in the world. Good clean fun (Now now, I said clean) is the best tonic in the world. Just go and roll down a hill, climb a tree, or just get messy!
Anyway, there are a couple of reasons why I'm writing this today. One is that I read an article in a newspaper that said parents are not allowing their children to go out and play very much any more, thus children are missing out on a lot of fun. The second one is that I came across a poem by Philip Larkin about parents etc. On my first day in college all those years ago it was the first thing my tutor read aloud to the class and the debate that followed was very interesting. I have included it in this blog for your perusal. Never underestimate the power of play!
Phillip Larkin
Everyone has their own kind of parenting style. I used to wish my children came with an instruction manual, so when something went wrong I could just look up the answer, and solve the problem in an instant. Sadly they don't! I'm not a perfect parent, I don't think that species exists, but as in all things I do my very best. Always with the best of intentions. Yes, my children climbed trees, ran barefoot in the grass, engaged in messy play, played out on the street and had FUN. Yes, ladies and gentlemen FUN. Something I feel children are lacking in today. And you know what? I had fun with them. I climbed trees with them. I pushed them on swings in the park, and they pushed me. I played football and rugby with them. I played street skipping with them. To this day, I cannot pass a park without having a go on everything. People have said I'm childish and i should grow up. My answer to them is NEVER! I am in touch with my inner child and I love it!It is my belief that being "childish" can be annoying, but being "child-like" is the best feeling in the world. In these times of recession there is enough misery in the world. Good clean fun (Now now, I said clean) is the best tonic in the world. Just go and roll down a hill, climb a tree, or just get messy!
Anyway, there are a couple of reasons why I'm writing this today. One is that I read an article in a newspaper that said parents are not allowing their children to go out and play very much any more, thus children are missing out on a lot of fun. The second one is that I came across a poem by Philip Larkin about parents etc. On my first day in college all those years ago it was the first thing my tutor read aloud to the class and the debate that followed was very interesting. I have included it in this blog for your perusal. Never underestimate the power of play!
This Be The Verse
They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you. But they were fucked up in their turn By fools in old-style hats and coats, Who half the time were soppy-stern And half at one another's throats. Man hands on misery to man. It deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can, And don't have any kids yourself
Phillip Larkin
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