Which Dr Who?

I haven't done one of these for ages. Time gets away from me and before I know it another week is over. I have decided to write this blog about time: or rather a time Lord. The last of the time Lords.

The Doctor

If you were to ask me about my childhood memories I would of course have the usual ones about playing outside, the nursery rhymes etc. But many of you, of a certain age, will also have the' hiding behind the sofa on a saturday night memories'. It was the ritual in our house that one by one on a Saturday evening off we would go to have our bath. While we were in the bath, my mam would be downstairs cooking a fry up. Until one by one all four of us were sitting ensconced in fornt of the tv, fry up on our laps and the opening credits would roll. The sharp intake of breath as the music started. The silence (pun intended) fell upon the room. It was Dr Who time.
                                               Most people have their favourite Doctor. It's probably a good indicator of a person's age to ask which Doctor is "their" doctor. My over riding feeling(once I got over the fear) was that this was, in essence a good versus evil battle where good always won. Although sometimes maybe nearly winning was good enough. I have memories of watching Jon Pertwee in his amazing velvet suits and frilly shirts. Dapper I think one would call it. And that strange fighting thing he did that wasn't quite Karate! Along with the beautiful Sarah Jane Smith: if only for a short while. Then the regeneration of Jon Pertwee into my Doctor. Played by the wonderful Tom Baker. I'd never seen anyone like him. The long coat, the hats , the extra long scarf, the eccentricity he brought to the role. I was completely besotted. I wished with all my heart that I could be Sarah Jane Smith, and go on all these magnificent adventures with my Doctor. I didn't notice the bad make up jobs, or the wobbly sets. I just wanted to walk through the door of the tardis and go to far away planets with my magnificent Doctor. I loved Elisabeth Sladen, and was devastated when she died. It's a terrible loss.
                                          The baddies were fantastic too. Every time the Cybermen marched onto the screen I had to hide behind the sofa. Even though I knew they were made from boiler suits and tubing. I was especially afraid of the Sontarans. They were ugly beyond belief. Then there was The Daleks. In themselves a scary bunch, but their creator Davros that scared the bejaysus out of me. I had never seen anything like him. The wires sticking out of everywhere, the black lips, the chair that looked like half a Dalek. Eye sockets with no eyes. The one eye shaped appendage in the middle of his head. But it was the hand that freaked me out altogether. The hand that could turn the switches on his chair: to summon and 'command' the most evil creatures in the universe. Until they decided otherwise. Every single episode he was in made me practically wet my pants with fear. I was terrified of old people in wheel chairs for years. All thanks to "The scariest paraplegic in fiction"
                                            So I was heart broken when Sarah Jane left. Leela just didn't do it for me. When Tom left I cried. I remained a fan, although it wasn't quite the same. I loved Romana, I felt an affinity with her fighting spirit. When it was dropped in 1989 I was devastated. I had watched Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and all their companions. And that was it. No more.
I was excited about the movie in 1994: I enjoyed it and hoped it meant the return in some form. Alas it wasn't received well by many and again was dropped. Paul McGann did an ok job considering. Oh and I loved Peter Cushing in Dr Who and The Daleks/Invasion Earth, though I wasn't around for the originals!
                                           It was with skepticism I welcomed the re launch in 2005. Ecclestone brought a new darkness to the role. It made one wonder what dreadful things had happened to make the doctor so dark and mysterious. He was perfect. I was feeling excited again. And then he left. What now I wondered. Nothing prepared me for the absolute wonder of the tenth doctor. All the old feelings of excitement, adventure, wanting to run with him came flooding back. And Damn he was sexy and damn I fancied him! I loved his adventures. Again I wanted to be in the tardis with him. As his companion in more ways than one! I watch his episodes over and over again and cry at the same things over and over again. When he's saying goodbye to everyone I fill up every time!
                                         Now we are awaiting the return of the 11th doctor. Matt Smith is wonderfully geeky and gawky and enthusiastic and energetic. He has kept the essence of the 10th doctor and managed to make it his own. He's gorgeously floppy haired and handsome. I'm really looking forward to the new eps. I feel the years roll away and again I'll be there with my fry up awaiting his return and possibly drooling a little. The best part? All of my children have the same love for Dr Who as I have. They've seen every ep from every era and they love it! For me it is and always will be made by fans, for fans. A classic battle between good and evil. I love Dr Who.



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