So, I’m relatively new to all this Twitter and Blogging stuff, but for ages my friends have been trying to get me to join Facebook. I really don’t like it, it’s my prerogative to not like it, and I don’t intend joining any time soon. I am however on twitter, dailybooth, and blogger. I joined these social networking sites to alleviate the boredom I felt while recovering from an operation.
I find it amazing that I can have friends all over the world, in different time zones to chat to. Sometimes we share songs, videos, jokes etc at the mere press of a button or two. Indeed, we sometimes share bad moods and rants too. I have also met up with most of my followers, or had skype conversations with them. I really love the social side of life and chatting about stuff. I have even been accused of being addicted to twitter.
Recently I have been wondering though, do people actually believe everything they read on twitter? I mean I could basically post whatever I want about someone or something, but does that mean it’s true? Am I being harsh to suggest that only gullible people believe everything they read on twitter? Don’t people check the facts first? Also, if I am having a conversation with someone, I may sometimes use “direct messages”. These can only be read in private, and are not usually for public eyes. So if someone reads my timeline, they may not get the whole of the conversation. Thus leading to a misrepresentation of the true situation, maybe leading to the wrong conclusion. The amount of times a famous person’s death has been announced on twitter, only to be retracted later is unreal!
People can also become obsessed with how many followers they have, or who is following them. Does it really matter? I mean in my opinion, if your self esteem is based on how many followers you have on twitter, you need help! It annoys me when people add “#F4F” and suchlike after their tweets!!!! If someone follows me, I will look at their page and their tweets and take my time to decide whether I want to follow them back or not. Sometimes I wish real life was more like twitter...Follow...Unfollow....Block. It would be so much easier!
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