Vote Yes 

"How can you go wrong with two people in love? If a good boy loves a good girl, good. If a good boy loves another good boy, good. And if a good girl loves the goodness in good boys and good girls, then all you have is more goodness, and goodness has nothing to do with sexual orientation."

Discrimination........ In all it's shapes and forms drives me mad. In my professional life and in my personal life I try to be as inclusive and open minded as I possibly can. This is why the up coming referendum in Ireland regarding Marriage is important to me. I am very much in the 'yes' camp.

Since the beginning of the campaign there has been a lot of untruths posted by those in the 'no' camp. I respect others opinions btw, and don't expect everyone to think the way I do. If you are voting no, that's fine. It's your choice. But there have been so many untruths and pure lies spread by the no camp that I felt I had to say something.

Religion. The cause of many disagreements and wars since time began. A lot of so called religious people are against the change to our laws. Why? Because "Every child deserves a mum and a dad".
In one foul swoop they've managed to insult all the single parents out there, and all the children being cared for by grandparents etc. Who are they to define what a 'family' is? I work with all different types of families every day. All children need is a safe, loving environment where they are looked after, loved, fed, watered and have a clean nappy. It matters not if this is done by their mum or mums, dad or dads, grandparents, aunt, uncle etc. I care for children every day, and consider myself and my staff to have the interests and needs of the child paramount.
"It's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" is quoted among other things by religious people. As are other scriptures and verses from the bible. Seems to me that some people are picky and choosy about which parts of the bible they adhere to. It also says in the bible that we shouldn't eat bacon, and lots more besides. People are free to believe in whatever God they want to, but in my opinion the bible and religion is full of contradictions and doesn't add up. But hey, whatever gets you through. IF God exists isn't he meant to be a tolerant and accepting spirit? Do onto others as you would have them do onto you?
'If gay people are allowed to marry society will lose it's gender balance' What a load of crap. Yes parents are role models, but just because your family has same sex parents it doesn't follow that you in turn will be gay. If the church are so concerned with every child having a mum and a dad how come they ripped children from their mothers in the old fashioned mother and baby homes? Some were allowed have their babies for up to a year before they were unceremoniously forced to give them up. Sometimes these babies were shipped abroad to people who hadn't even been checked and in some cases turned out to be the worst pedophiles. One Monsignor who was portrayed to be the holiest of men, and in charge of these children, was in fact the head of a pedophile ring. These kids were handed over like pieces of meat to him and his cronies to do who knows what to. When these children grew older and tried to trace their parents the nuns blocked them at every turn. What about their so called right to a mum and a dad? Children have the right to know where they came from. The amendment proposed is as follows;
"Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex"
A simple sentence, that has nothing to do with children, religion, gender. In fact, if anything same sex marriage will protect the family more than harm it.
It's about having the equal right to marry the person you love. That's it. Pure and simple. So whether a child has a mum and a dad, a mum or a dad, two mums or two dads or whether a couple are married and have no children, or whether the child lives with foster parents, grandparents etc is irrelevant. Once they live with love is all that matters.



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