Shine On
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars. A lot has happened in the past few weeks. A lot of life changing stuff, serious stuff that has made me stop and think that maybe someone somewhere has a voodoo doll of me and is constantly sticking pins in me. I've had times where I thought I was going crazy, times I've cried myself to sleep, times I've just cried. There's been a pity party going on with my name the only one on the guest list. It's not always easy when relationships break down, especially 30 year old ones. But we'll always be friends no matter what else the future holds. Stars and references to stars have followed me all my life. So much so that I feel an affinity with them. In work, all the children are given symbols beside their names. This gets them used to recognising their own names and their own belongings. We try to pick symbols that reflect their personality in some way. W...