
Showing posts from February, 2015


"Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance." Having recently been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I find I have to plan and prepare myself as much as possible for nights out etc. It can be very difficult to stay in all the time, and I get cabin fever quite often. Most times the best I can manage is the short walk to my local. How CFS effects me mostly right now is in my legs. I can't describe to you the actual weariness and drained feelings CFS brings, and no amount of rest really makes a difference. Recently my legs have been feeling the worst of it, and what happens is they simply won't work. Which can be inconvenient to say the least. As a result of this, I was finding that I was falling down stairs quite often. Quite scary for someone with brittle bones. At home I can rest or stay upstairs, so access to the bathroom is not such an issue. But if I'm out, and the bathroom is upstairs, this can cause a major problem. My local pu...


                                 "To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved."                                                              George MacDonald It's been a while, I've been keeping busy and some days are just not long enough. A lot has happened since I blogged last, some of which you know, some of which is private for now. I have been reading a lot about catfish accounts on twitter and other social networks. I was amazed at how often this happens, and also amazed at some people's reactions when they or someone they know gets fooled by one. It got me thinking about the concept of trust, and how it's actually more painful to have your trust broken by someone close to you than it is to be dumped by someone you love. The...