Which Dr Who?
I haven't done one of these for ages. Time gets away from me and before I know it another week is over. I have decided to write this blog about time: or rather a time Lord. The last of the time Lords. The Doctor If you were to ask me about my childhood memories I would of course have the usual ones about playing outside, the nursery rhymes etc. But many of you, of a certain age, will also have the' hiding behind the sofa on a saturday night memories'. It was the ritual in our house that one by one on a Saturday evening off we would go to have our bath. While we were in the bath, my mam would be downstairs cooking a fry up. Until one by one all four of us were sitting ensconced in fornt of the tv, fry up on our laps and the opening credits would roll. The sharp intake of breath as the music started. The silence (pun intended) fell upon the room. It was Dr Who time. ...