
Showing posts from February, 2016

Who Are You?

"Your Identity Is Your Most Valuable Possession, Protect It" It's been a crap few months, infection after infection, antibiotics that make one feel worse before they make one feel better, and trying to find a level of my MS meds that suit and work and don't make me worse has been rather crappy to say the least. Added to that my liver issues and gall bladder issues and family issues and work issues and you're halfway there. Yeah there's lots of people out there fighting battles and I'm sure they're worse than any I'm fighting, but when life becomes one long round of being ill, taking meds, being more ill, worrying if you go out for a walk on your own will you be ok, wanting to go places but not being able to due to being ill, it's difficult to see the light. I have felt like I was drowning in it all, like I was in way over my head and lost. It's a very draining feeling, that lost feeling. I've felt it lots of times before due to de...