Hair bands and the like...
I'm writing this on the train back from Belfast, wifi is being crappy and I'm bored so you're it! Been in Belfast for a gig. Journey, Whitesnake, and Thunder. Not many will have heard of the latter. I first saw them in London about %% years ago. They were all long hair, tight trousers and guitars. Something I was mad into back then. It was a small gig, but I was completely blown away by them. So when the chance came to see them in The Odyssey in Belfast I jumped on it. One of my favourite bands in one of my fav cities. Sure I'd be mad not to, eh? I love Whitesnake and Journey too so win win for me. Sometimes Belfast gets a bit of stick in the media. It's undeserved for the most part. Yes there are a few assholes there but we get them in Dublin too funnily enough. I met a few lovely guys at the gig, couldn't have been nicer. Full of chat and laughs. And when we got lost on the way home the taxi driver from earlier saw us and gave us a free lift back ...