Is cailín bródúil as Éirinn mé, A proud Irish girl but sometimes my government makes me want to bang my head off a brick wall. These last few weeks have been just like that. I have my own little pre-school. It's small and can be very stressful but I have been there for 16 years so I must like it. We are host projects for a few different schemes. As such we sponsor community employment candidates. They come and work and learn in our school and the government pay them. A couple of weeks ago one of my CE staff was sacked from the programme. Her crime? She moved her boyfriend into her home because they are getting married soon. Because she is no longer classed as a single parent, and because she was honest about it she no longer "FITS THE CRITERIA". So this person was given two weeks notice, her money for those two weeks was cut by €90 and she was put onto the dole.This woman is de...